Next Meeting: 11 Feb 2025 @ Crosspoint Bluewater
The Bluewater Bay
Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU)

Board of Director Position Descriptions


The Chairman shall be elected from among the board of directors and shall preside over its meetings. The chairman shall function as the chief executive officer and shall supervise execution of the BWB MSBU general business, insuring that all directives and resolutions of the board of directors are carried into effect. The chairman shall perform such communications or interface with the Okaloosa Board of County Commissioners as may be required from time to time. The chairman, in conjunction with the board of directors may create committees as deemed necessary to fulfill unique or exigent requirements and/or responsibilities. The chairman shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be delegated by the board of directors.


The vice-chairman shall be elected from among the board of directors and will preside over its meetings in the absence of the chairman. The vice-chairman shall, in the absence or disability of the chairman, or at the direction of the chairman, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the chairman. The vice-chairman shall act as a liaison for community concerns and report same at board meetings. The vice-chairman shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be delegated by the board of directors.

Finance Chairman

The board of directors shall elect the finance chairman. The finance chairman shall make financial reports to the board of directors and chairman upon request. The finance chairman shall act as oversight for management who shall perform such interface with Okaloosa County financial authorities as may be required to maintain sound financial records for the MSBU. Finance chairman must review invoices and requisitions prior to submission to the County. The finance chairman shall perform all duties as may be assigned from time to time by the board of directors.

Landscape Maintenance Chairman

The board of directors shall elect the landscape maintenance chairman. The landscape maintenance chairman shall develop, supervise, and oversee the general maintenance, level of appearance, and overall condition of the common areas within the BWB MSBU. Management shall prepare, maintain, and update an ongoing “Special Projects List” and chairman shall review and report same at each board of directors meeting. The chairman shall in conjunction with the board develop common area improvement projects for presentation and approval. Chairman will work in close coordination with the Management Services Contractor in overseeing preparation of requests for proposal within the guideline set forth in the Procurement Procedure Guidelines. The landscape maintenance chairman will review all completed work and approve the release of payment to the contractor performing the project. The landscape maintenance chairman shall perform all other duties as may be assigned, from time to time, by the board of directors.

Communications Chairman

The communications chairman shall be elected by the board. The communications chairman will be responsible for the oversight the posting, communicating and reviewing all notices of meetings, minutes of meetings and all other public records of the MSBU with newspapers, webmasters, and all other public media organizations in conjunction with the management team. The communications chairman is responsible to insure that the board of directors are cognizant of the State of Florida and Okaloosa County “Sunshine Statutes,” and will make such recommendations to the board that are necessary for it to comply. The communications chairman shall perform those duties that from time to time are directed by the board of directors.