Next Meeting: 13 August 2024 @ Crosspoint Bluewater
The Bluewater Bay
Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU)

Project Overview

Curacao Way/Southwind Drainage Basin: Upgrade Storm Water Drainage System (Phase II)

MSBU ApprovalApproved Cost($)ContractorEst CompletionPaymentsCompletedFinal Cost
April 10, 2018$46,222.00October 31, 2022January 1, 2019 – $15,816
January 1, 2020 – $15,816

Description / Updates

Project to upgrade storm water drainage system and to mitigate the possibility for future flooding along the Curacao Way/Southwind Drainage basin. The area is bounded by Southwind Dr, Dominica Way, Aruba Way and Curacao Way. Okaloosa County has contract with the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) via their Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) to have the work done with grant award being done in two phases. Phase 1 was defined as engineering analysis, design, and permitting and Phase 2 as construction of the drainage improvements.

The grant will pay for 75% of the cost. The remaining 25% of cost is shared by Okaloosa County (8%) and MSBU (17%). Friends of Bluewater have money tied up for this project. COVID-19 delayed the project and then Hurricane Sally.

HMGP DR-4177-06-A contract between Okaloosa County Grants & Restore Division and the FDEM: Contract #18HM-H4-01-56-01-388. FEMA project # 4177-06-R

Phase I (History):
December 16, 2014:
The Board of County Commissioners authorized the Chairman to sign a grant submittal of an application on behalf of the Bluewater Bay Municipal Services Benefit Unit (BWB MSBU).

December 15, 2015, Grant Agreement for Phase I (16HM-H4-0l-56-0l-300/Project 4177-06-R) :

Budgeted amount of $130,240 of which the Federal share was $97,680 (75%) and a local match of $32,560 (25%). The $32,560 (25%) local match amount was split $10,000 (8%) as in-house survey and project management services provided by the County and the remainder $22,560 (17%) provided by the BWB MSBU.

April 18, 2016:
The County approved Phase 1 services to be performed through a task order with AV CON, Inc. in the amount of $98,240, $22,000 under budget.

PHASE II (Current Project):
Work to specifically includes a series of pipe improvements in one base location. It shall include the removal of existing piping and drainage structures as necessary, followed by the installation of new Advance Drainage System (ADS) piping and associated drainage structures consistent with the upgraded designs. When completed, the project shall provide protection against a 100-year storm event.

21 August 2018, Grant Agreement for Phase II (mod 1 of contract):

A project grant for Phase II is $249,888. Phase I left $22,000 unused which FDEM will apply to Phase II. Total project cost will increase to $271,888 – local match $67,972 – grant to provide $203,916.

17% of local match funds will come from MSBU ($46,222) and county will provide the remaining 8% ($21,750). The local match will initially be funded by Okaloosa County (via Surplus Funds for Special County Purposes and Projects). To reimburse the County, 1/3 of the MSBU match plus 2.65% annual interest will be withheld from annual assessments for FY 2018 – 2019, FY 2019 – 2020 & FY 2020 – 2021. The County will process all invoices and complete all reports required under the Grant Agreement.

26 June 2019:
Bids received on June 26th 2019 for the Base Bid(A) and two alternative bids(B),(C) exceeded the budget by 2 times. After extensive review by the Design Engineer we proposed to exercise the option to award the project on the Base Bid(A) only. We reached out to FDEM for concurrence. During this period of concurrence and securing additional funds the bids expired.

15 Jan 2021 Update:
The grant agreement expired on 31 Jan 2020. New grant agreement extends expiration to 30 Dec 2021.

Ready to re-advertise the project. The scope of work for ITB PW 22-21 that will be advertised starting Monday the 25th of January 2021 is limited to the Base Bid(A) only which is the Curacoa Way Culvert Replacement. The work for the project consists of but is not limited to demolition, clearing and grubbing, earthwork, excavation, embankment, grading, asphalt paving, installation of storm water piping and inlets, coffer dam, concrete sidewalks, curbing, sodding and MOT.

MSBU Agreement will need to be amended based on the FDEM Modification. The MSBU Chairman has authorization to sign all future docs.

Estimated Timeline: 6 months Bidding ( 1 Feb – 31 Jul 2021), 12 months construction ( 1 Aug 2021 – 31 Jul 2022), 3 months closeout (1 Aug 2022 – 31 Oct 2022)

Okaloosa County POC:
Ms. Jane Evans
Grants & Restore Manager
Okaloosa County
1250 N. Eglin Parkway, Suite 102
Shalimar, Florida 32579

Supporting Documents:
Hazard Mitigation Grant Agreement – 7 Jun 2016
Letter to Windes, Ph II MSBU Payment – 8 May 2018
Agenda Request to use Hazard Grant for PH II – 15 May 2018
Hazard Mitigation Grant Agreement PH II – 21 Aug 2018
Hazard Mitigation Grant Agreement Mod 1 PH II – 15 Jan 2021

Bluewater Bay Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU)