Next Meeting: 13 August 2024 @ Crosspoint Bluewater
The Bluewater Bay
Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU)

MSBU Budget

Maintenance and improvement of BWB common areas passed to the MSBU on 1 January 2004. Guidance pertaining to the annual assessment that each residential and commercial property owner within Bluewater Bay pays with their annual taxes to Okaloosa County can be found in the Bluewater Bay MSBU By-Laws dated 6 May 2003.

The amount assessed is based on a ‘unit’ fee. A residential property owner pays their annual assessment based upon a single unit. Commercial property is assessed based on square footage. Each 1,000 square feet of property is assessed a unit fee. The fees in the chart below are for a single unit.

MSBU Assessment vs. Inflation Feb 2021